Etape Cymru training, sort of.

I do love riding my riding my bike.*

*Now I need to put a slight caveat in here, as those close to me will say I'm not doing it very much for someone who loves it. I think this comes from being obsessed with bikes my entire childhood. Then by my senior years reality of how much training is required bites. I always loved the racing, I would've raced 5 times a week if I could (and often did) but the training was too much of a chore. That said, I should really say I love riding my bike, when I'm in the mood for it.

And last night was a prime example of that. The sun was out, there was no wind and it was a pleasant temperature. I cruised round for an hour and loved it. Even managed a few PBs (yeah thanks for that obsession Strava).

One thing I enjoy about riding my bike is the way you can let your mind wander. I don't need to think of anything whilst on my bike (maybe just the pain in my legs on every climb). That leads me on to why I wanted to write down my wacky thought for the day, yesterday.

I was riding along and I realised that I had odd arm warmers on. It then struck me that I actually only have these 2 old arm warmers left. One Assos one (of course with no label remaining) and one other slightly shorter one. Ok so they are both black and not obviously odd. So I got to thinking, I wonder if loads of cyclists have one odd something in the bottom of their wardrobe? Could be anything. An arm warmer, leg warmer, glove, track mitt, overshoe even. What if we gathered all those odd things together?  We would surely have loads of complete pairs that could be given away to under privileged cyclist in the third world, or Rhyl or something. Well it may not be the greatest idea ever, and in many (or all) ways be impractical.  I just thought I would write down my crazy thoughts for once, it feels a bit like therapy.

Anyway, back to the training. It's not going that well, and I have a mountain to climb to get fit for the Etape Cymru (pardon the pun). I was thinking that getting into this Strava lark would give me more motivation, but in reality I am going to end up doing interval training along the various "segments" to try and get a KOM.

The Tour starts next week, and I love watching that.  Maybe it will have the same affect on me as Wimbledon does to the kids playing in the road who trade in their footballs for tennis rackets for 2 weeks a year. 

And whilst I am on about the Tour, COME ON WIGGO, CAV and Team Sky!!


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