To Blog or Not...

Today, I got asked to be a "guest blogger" for a cycling event happening in September.

As yet, I'm undecided as to whether I will ride it, never mind blog about it...or blog about anything!

In light of the invitation, I decided to see if I could run and maintain a blog of my own, as it's something I have thought about but never done (those who know me will know that's what I'm expert in (thinking, not doing)).

Well now, I rode this event last year with 7 weeks notice and no miles in my legs before then.  In those 7 weeks I got up to riding 100 hilly miles at a time, lost just over 1 stone in weight and even organised some sponsored jerseys from my employer.  This time I have 7 months(ish) to prepare, still haven't regained said lost stone and am reasonably fit from running and my annual ski trip(s) preparation exercises.  All in all, I have a more of a chance than last year to get round without the excruciating pain I suffered last time (anyway that tale is for a future blog, I must stay on task!)

Ok, so I see loads of people on Twitter posting blogs and think, is that easy or once you start, do you put loads of pressure on yourself to write another??  I have so many questions about it, like how long is a good blog? Is there such a thing as a good or bad blog?  Is the blog's beauty in the eye of the author?  But I'm probably over thinking it. (something I do to stop me from actually doing anything)  I'm struggling to end this now as I feel like the reader will want more value for money as it were, but then again if it's short and to the point will it be more easily digested?? Argghh!

Only time will tell if this will be the first and last blog from me.


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